I just cant be sad for the passing of someone who truly lived...
And in my very personal opinion, Mr. Carlin was the greatest comedian.
We will miss this man. RIP GEORGE CARLIN

From a 1980 Playboy Interview
GEORGE CARLIN: As much as I love my family, I enjoy it when the house is empty, because then I know I'm truly alone, as we all are on the planet, after all. You know, every atom in us is originally from a star. And during my moment of aloneness, I'm most mindful of that; that I'm just another group of matter randomly but wonderfully arranged. That's when I feel my internal immortality.
PLAYBOY: Your immortality, as in afterlife?
CARLIN: Not in the christian sense, but I do believe in the survivability of the human spirit. We were all part of a giant explosion once, and we've come a long way. The incredible distances of past and future internal time, the history of this whole fucking, vibrating, internal resonating mother mass - that's what I read and think about more than anything else.
PLAYBOY: Of all the values you rebelled against as a child, what was the one you most despised?
GEORGE CARLIN: Religion. When the Catholics start laying their trip on you, you notice very early in life what a load of shit it is. The hypocrisy is just breath-takingly apparent, even to a child. But what I hated most was seeing those priests and brothers getting so much pleasure out of inflicting pain. I wondered what was wrong with them.
PLAYBOY: Do any other religions interest you?
CARLIN: None of the christian religions do. They're all outer-directed. "Who can I convert?" "Let's go to this country and make them christians." "Wear this." "Do that." "No, don't worship that way. Worship this way or I'll kill you - for the good of your soul, of course." Meanwhile, followers of Eastern religions are sitting in the middle of their minds, experiencing a bliss and a level of consciousness that Western man can't begin to approach. Christianity is all external, all material. Gold. War. Murder. The big churches operate, morally and economically, just like the big corporations. Yet they don't pay taxes. Let them pay their fair share, those fucking religions.
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